... I'm already through the first season.
Spare me your lectures about how it's a bad show! I enjoy turning my brain off when I get home from student teaching, especially over March Break, and Teen Mom does that for me. Quite well, actually.
Teen Mom Season 1 Episode 9 was the single worst interview I've ever watched. Here are some reasons why:
1. It was shameless propaganda. Yes, MTV, I get that you should tell your viewers that being a teen mom is not ideal. I get that you should talk about prevention. But really, Dr. Drew? Every other minute awkwardly inserting a fact or statistic you "just read" ... reminding viewers several times that they can visit the MTV website to find out about safe sex ... blahblahblah.
In his efforts to discourage viewers from deciding to have babies, Dr. Drew sacrificed the people he was interviewing -- the girls from the show. At one point he had all four of them up there with their babies (all of them around one year old). Of course, the kids were squirming and touching things. For a few minutes Dr. Drew awkwardly faked being interested in the kids, who he gushed "are amazing." Then he turned to the camera and actually said:
"For all the potential teen moms in our audience... you can see how difficult it is for us to even carry on a three minute conversation. If you are deluding yourself into thinking that you can have a baby, keep going to school, get your GED or have a career ... It's impossible."
Didn't it occur to him that the girls he was interviewing were all trying to do those things? Yes, babies are difficult and teenage viewers need to understand that. But it is not impossible to get your life together after you have an unexpected pregnancy. It's harder, and life will change, but it's not down the drain!
2. Dr. Drew's questions sucked. Did he even prepare for this? He asked vague questions. He asked questions that could be answered with one word. He tried to milk any sentimentality or stir up any drama that he could, and for the most part failed miserably. He constantly stated the obvious. He would have awkward pauses after watching clips from the season: "So, what do you think of that? Any thoughts?" No guidance. Awwwkward. Zero substance.The questions from the audience were much better -- questions like, "What is the greatest sacrifice you have made to be a mother?"
3. Dr. Drew is arrogant and condescending. When the girls were talking amongst themselves and asking questions (one of the best parts) he would interrupt with tagalong comments like, "That's right." As if saying, "Remember! I'm still here! The one trying to be a doctor and claiming to be an expert!" As if because they're teen moms he can put the stamp of approval on comments he deems "right." Rubbed me the wrong way ...
4. Dr. Drew gave horrible relationship advice. First of all, the point of the interview is not for us to watch Dr. Drew solve everything and benefit us all with his nuggets of wisdom. Secondly, the advice itself was bad (besides obvious things like: domestic violence is not good). He totally let Ryan off the hook! This made me so mad. I found it so offensive that he would put the blame on Maci and say things like, "It's different to be a father. It's easier for men to leave their children." As a woman this made me mad, but as a man I'd be mad, too. Men don't love their children? Ryan can be lazy, not care about his kid's first birthday, ignore his son and girlfriend, leave his family to go out drinking and dancing ... because he's a man? Even other fathers on the show prove this theory wrong; Gary and Tyler show way more interest in their children than Ryan does. He then urged the couple to patch things together "for Bentley's sake" -- ouch! Maci has been the only one trying to compromise and then he makes a shot at something she's been so sensitive to the entire season -- trying to make it work for Bentley. So right after Ryan says he doesn't care, he's not sorry for anything, and if Maci wasn't Bentley's mother he'd never even look at her again -- relationship guru Dr. Drew turns to Maci and basically says: "Try harder."
(Oh man ... I'm an official Teen Mom fan ... I can't help it!)
5. Endless recaps of the season. We... know.... We're not watching this for you, Dr. Drew. Give me my moms!
6. Endless comments about "how much we need to cover", "so many things to cover" and "we'll get back to that later." Waste. of. time.
Testing to see if this post works ...
ReplyDeleteOk ... my numbers are not meant to respond to yours, I just like to be organized in my thoughts (we have that in common too):
ReplyDelete1. I am so glad you are watching this show. I get into very few series, but when I do, it's full-throttle. I've laughed, I've cried, I've neglected responsibilities for a TM marathon ... it's sad and beautiful. Just wait until Teen Mom 2!!! Also - did you watch their 16 & Pregnant documentaries???
2. Unfortunately it's from a worldly point of view, which is why they continue to plug "safe sex" over and over. Very sad. BUT viewers can still itentify with all the drama, breakups, heartache, change, disappointments, joys ... and let's face it - this is the reality of the world we're living in. Teen girls are getting pregnant ... having sex ... they need Jesus!!! Not always my focus while watching but it should be said. Needed to preach that lol!
3. Back to what you wrote about ... Dr. Drew. I guess we'll have to get into subpoints here ...
-I actually like Dr. Drew OVERALL. Seen him on Celebrity Rehab (wow, I just felt embarrassed to type that - name says it all!) - I actually think he does quite well on there. Except needing Jesus. He specializes in addiction recovery and healing ... decently.
-He is awkward on Teen Mom. ESPECIALLY in the first season. I feel like he was having a rough spell in his career and maybe made a hasty decision when signing that contract? I feel like he is out of place and isn't sure how he fits among a bunch of emotional teen girls crying and yelling half the time.
-He DEFINITELY is made to say certain things, probably not his doing - MTV/legal crap/who knows. This show took a LOT of flack in the beginning especially, and somehow turning to the camera and reminding us about "itsyoursexlife.com" makes that all better? All that to say, it's not exactly genuine and it definitely doesn't create any sort of natural flow ...
-Give him time. He gets better. Let me know what you think of him by Season 3.
HAPPY WATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laugh, cry, and eventually find yourself stalking Tyler on twitter. I mean .............. I never did that!!! Love you xo
Should I trust you that Dr. Drew gets better? I don't know if I can ... but I'm obviously going to keep watching :) And in answer to your question -- no, I haven't watched the 16 and Pregnant documentaries.
ReplyDeleteI love Tyler and Catelynn! So far my absolute favourite person on the show by far is Tyler's mom. She's an oasis of sanity. And it sounds like she's a Christian?
I'm just watching the first episode of season 2. Farrah's mom punched her in the face?! Whaa??? She never seemed to lose her temper, even when Farrah would be awful to her. Confused. Also ... Ryan is really good-looking but such a tool. Snapping his bubblegum while Maci tries to talk to him about child support? Pfft ...
Oh, this is too addicting. I've definitely gotten emotional more than once ... (not just anger as I've expressed here ... when Tyler proposed to Catelynn I totally cried ..)
PS: Didn't realize there was a difference between season two and Teen Mom 2 ... I clicked on "Teen Mom 2" on Netflix and was like ... "Where is everybody?" Phew! Found season two!
ReplyDeleteHahaha - alright, don't place any big expectations on Dr. Drew ... he does get a bit better, but really - he only makes an appearence once or twice a season. FORGET him - it's about Catelynn & Ty! I am absolutely in love with those kids. For all they have been through, they are somehow stable, mature, sane ... and just so plain LIKEABLE! I absolutely adore this couple. YOU MUST take a time out to at least watch their beginning ... find it here http://www.mtv.ca/shows/16-and-pregnant/video/season-1. You'll bawl your eyes out the day she gives birth (didn't want to even see the baby, but then ... ok I'll stop there!) Tyler's mom ROCKS - and they are so alike in their thinking and mannarisms it's HILARIOUS! Catelynn and Tyler are amazing.
ReplyDeleteYou'll feel so entwined with the lives of TM 1 that you'll feel like you can't/don't want break your loyalty to try out TM 2. But once you do, you'll fall in love with 4 more stories! Right now I actually like TM 2 better ... but that's probably just because it's the one on the air. CHELSEA!!! <3 I must admit my heart is big enough for them both.
As for Farrah, buckle your seatbelt - things get crazy. Just wait until more Amber drama ...