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Monday 14 January 2013

OCM update

It has been awhile since I first ventured into the Oil Cleansing Method (my first OCM blog post was in December 2012).

This is partly because my OCM regime was interrupted by ... a cold sore. A burning, bumpy, itchy patch of red below my lower lip. I haven't gotten a cold sore in about two years. Of course, the morning that I'm supposed to fly back home for Christmas I wake up with that tell-tale tingly feeling -- that feeling that persists no matter how much you deny it, that feeling that is just waiting to change into an ugly outbreak. Despite a 2 gram tube of Abreva that cost me over $20, the cold sore took a few weeks to heal. During that time I didn't feel like rubbing my face with oil and steaming it with a hot cloth.

Now I'm back to the OCM. In the past week I've done it twice. The first time I did a really thorough treatment that left my skin feeling amazing. The second time was a bit quicker -- I just did it in the shower. I probably use even more grapeseed oil than my original 2/3 castor oil, 1/3 grapeseed oil ratio (my skin is much drier in the winter). Since I just squirt the oils into my hands I haven't measured them exactly.

My skin feels soft and smooth. The OCM also seems to be helping me get rid of the tiny blackheads that plague my chin.

I feel happy about the fact that I'm not putting chemicals into my skin. I have a feeling I'll go through the grapeseed oil a lot quicker than the castor oil, though -- besides using more of it on my face, I've also been rubbing down my legs with it after getting out of the shower. Nice and light!

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